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Видео-Эффекты, AE Проекты, Графика, Софт

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Ink PACK - Motion Graphics (Videohive)
08.10.2015, 02:01

Ink PACK - Motion Graphics (Videohive)
Alpha Channel: Yes | QuickTime (.mov) | 1920x1080 | 11 November 11 | Looped Video: No | Video Encoding: Photo JPEG | 260mb


This pack includes 7 ink drops rendered in 3D software. They all have an alpha channel (transparent background), so you only need to import them into your project and do some color correction if needed. The background which you can see in the preview is not included.
Here are the details (resolution | duration):
Ink 1: 750x800 | 4 s
Ink 2: 700x900 | 3.5 s
Ink 3: 800x1000 | 4 s
Ink 4: 800x1000 | 4 s
Ink 5: 800x1000 | 3 s
Ink 6: 800x700 | 3 s
Ink 7: 1000x562 | 3 s

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Категория: Футажи | Добавил: admin | Теги: Effects, Motion Graphics, Project, Footages, After
Просмотров: 235 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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