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Fire Epic Titles - After Effects Templates
11.11.2016, 23:55

Fire Epic Titles - After Effects Templates
After Effects CS 5.5+ Project File | 1920x1080 (FULLHD) | NO PLUG-INS | 114 MB


Fire Epic Titles is a cinematic and impactful After Effects template, perfect for your next trailer or opening sequence. No plugins are required for this project, and it is very easy to use and customize in a few simple steps. Create a stunning and strong animated video with this awesome template.

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Категория: Проекты After Effects | Добавил: admin | Теги: After, Effects, Project, Footages, ae, aep
Просмотров: 332 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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