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The Liquid Bender - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
06.09.2016, 01:43

The Liquid Bender - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5 - CC 2015 | 1280x720 | 7 October 11 | No plugins | 336MB


Includes 2 versions which I called “intro” and “outro”. The only difference between these two is the moment in time when the logo is revealed: Intro: The logo appears after the liquid explosion. Outro: The logo appears from the begining and dissapears after this liquid explosion

Both intro and outro contain 7 color presets (4 light and 3 dark ones)

The CG liquid is Pre-rendered using transparency and passes so it can be very flexible inside AE.

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Категория: Проекты After Effects | Добавил: admin | Теги: After, Effects, Footages, Videohive, ae
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